Community Engagement
NISA is committed to actively engaging with local communities to share updates, gather feedback, and ensure the project aligns with community needs, fostering a collaborative approach to offshore wind development.
Proactive engagement with communities from an early stage has been key a prioity for the project team.
Enagement with the fisheries and onshore community groups has taken place since 2021 with meetings, consultations and updates happening in many ways.
Community connections made
Members of the public met at consultation events
Community survey & feedback forms received
Public consultation events
Years of active engagement
Virtual consultation rooms
Your Community Liaison Team

NISA is a project that is ultimately about delivering for the people of Ireland and for our future generations.
NISA is committed to being a good nieghbour now, and in to the future. With the potential to deliver such long lasting and impactful change to the way we power homes and businesses, we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to have an input into how the project is delivered.
Engagement is not simply about providing information. We want the community to engage proactively with us too.
In the interest of making sure that our engagement with the community is as comprehensive as possible, we encourage anyone with feedback or a project query to reach out to our community engagement team on enquiries@northirishseaarray.ie.
We will continue to listen, engage and take action for the lifetime of this project.